I have got a new toy in the kitchen. The new “dingsen” is a spiral cutter and allows me to make beautiful spaghetti-like strips of all kinds of vegetables. Pictures of squash spaghetti more often and often appear in my Instagram feeder and even got their own name: zoodles, which is a combination of zucchini and noodles. If you want new ways to get vegetables into your diet, this is something for you.
The spicy spiral cutter is called Spirelli and is of German origin. Like a lot of other German engineering, the implement is practical, sharp and apparently of good quality. It must be said that I have received my copy of the relatively new online Kitchentime online store. I test the gear on a free basis, because I have been curiously curious about this cutter for a long time. Spirelli can be purchased for 399 kr in the mentioned shop. Kitchentime also has a wide range of products for cooking, baking and other kitchen products, and is run by an engaging team aiming to spread their love to the kitchen.
My first ration of healthy vegetable paste resulted from a delicious pistachio paste. It worked very well and can be eaten alone or with meat or fish. I fried a couple of small raw sausages I was lying in the freezer. That made the dish a bit more sour and protein rich.
For two servings you need about:
- 2 squash
- 1 desiliter leaf blend
- 1 desiliter rucula
- 0.5 deciliter unsweetened pistachio nuts without shell
- 1 clove of garlic
- About 40 grams of parmesan or pecorino, grated
- 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
- 0.5 deciliters of good olive oil
- 1/2 tablespoon lemon juice (juice of a lemon boat)
- A little salty
This is what you do:
- Hold et fast grep om spiralkutteren og skru squashen rundt for å strimle den. Dette går overraskende enkelt i spirellien. Strimlene kan enten bli runde som spaghetti eller flate som båndspaghetti avhengig av hvilken vinkel du holder grønnsaken mot knivbladet. Jeg gikk for rund form. Når du har jobbet deg et stykke inn, kan det lønne seg å bruke holderen som følger med. En kjerne blir likevel igjen som rest. Ettersom squashen inneholder en del vann, valgte jeg å fjerne den delen av spiralene som var mykest (de lengst til venstre i bildet nedenfor). Slik unngår man at “zoodlene” blir grøtete.
- Make the pesto by mixing parsley, rucula, pistachio nuts, garlic, grated parmesan or pecorino, (tear the cheese yourself rather than buy torn tart. It tastes MUCH better) balsamic and olive oil in a food processor or bump into a mortar. Season with lemon juice.
- Fry the sausages in a thick-bottomed pan. Let them rest on a plate.
- Cook the squash spirals in the same frying pan in a little olive oil over medium heat.
- Mix in the pesto and sausages cut into pieces. Grind some extra parmesan before serving.
Should you make this dish to guests, it is advisable to prepare the pesto and vegetable spirals in advance. When the guests have sat down, prepare the dish and cook it straight from the frying pan.