Coffee Shake

Even though the Norwegian summer may not promote acute cooling needs, it is always refreshing with an icecream. I like to run coffee, milk and ice cubes in the blender so it’s really shining.

A trick to make the coffee flavor more intense is to make ice cubes of coffee. Add some extra espresso and freeze the remains in ice cubes or shapes. Next time you want icecream, you only use half ice cubes and half coffee bits. “Planning is everything”.

For 1 glass you need about:

  • 1 dl strong coffee (2 shots espresso)
  • 2-3 dl milk – after how strong you want it
  • 2 dl ice cubes and coffee bits
This is what you do:
  1. Fill a glass of ice cubes, so that the class is cooled and the icecap is kept cold as long as possible.
  2. Brew coffee. I’m using espresso in mocca cake, but espresso machine or strong filter coffee is also working.
  3. Fill the blender with ice cubes and coffee bits, then coffee and milk. Drive to everything is well mixed.
  4. Remove ice cubes from the serving glass before you go to the coffee shop.
If you want some candy on the coffee, add stevia with vanilla flavor or vanilla extract before mixing it into the blender. A half frozen banana makes it even more exciting and full.